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sob importaçao Model 44DL (Digital/Analógico /condiçoes antecipada
sob importaçao Model 44DL (Digital/Analógico /condiçoes antecipada
sob importaçao Model 44DL (Digital/Analógico /condiçoes antecipada
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NCM 90303100 produto Importado-adquirido no merc. Interno;
Icms- dentro estado 18%
Fora do estado 12%
Destaque IPI 1.05,%

por uma estimativa de custo não real, por se tratar de importação e necessário atualizar sem o frete 21.800,00

OBSERVAÇÕES CONDIÇÕES GERAIS DE FORNECIMENTO: Pagamento: antecipado em 80% restante dois dias antes da entrega mediante comprovante

Entrega: 20 a 45 dias úteis (fabricação). Frete: FOB ( POR CONTA DO CLIENTE)

Garantia: Contra Defeito de Fabricação.

Impostos: IPI e | ICMS (Empresa Optante Pelo regime normal)


Model 44DL

Broadband wattmeter with -50dB sample port

frequencia range 136 – 869 MHz

conectores - N-Female Thru
SMA-F Sample

watts 2-500 W

Frequency Range: 136-869 MHz
Connectors: N-Female Thru SMA-F Sample
Power: 2-500 W (Avg)
Made in USA
Wide bandwidth
High accuracy without slugs
Displays forward and reverse power at the same time
Calculates and displays VSWR
Accurately measure TDMA (DMR, P25 /TETRA)
Frequency Counter Display

The Telewave Model 44DL Broadband RF Wattmeter is a compact, versatile test instrument for the direct measurement of forward and reflected RF power.

Like’s venerable 44A Wattmeter, the 44DL wattmeter is housed in the same ruggedized housing and form factor. The digital version offers the same capability to measure CW, FM and FSK signals AND can display the power readings in Watts or dBm with today’s popular digital modulations formats like DMR, P25, LSM and others (see User Manual for details). This meter does not require field calibration, frequency elements (slugs), or the use of correction tables at any temperature or frequency within specification.

The features of the 44DL include:

Long life rechargeable batteries, re-charge via USB
-50 dB bi-directional sample/injection port, SMA Female connector
Tough Metal case, shock mounted and recessed display
Large buttons that can be operated when wearing gloves

Included accessories:

Universal (wall wart) power supply 90 to 250 VAC in, USB 5 VDC out
Universal AC Plug Adapter Kit (IEC Type A Plug to Type C, G, or I Plug)
USB type A to type B charging cable

Optional accessories: TC44-R Carry Case RF Connectors: Thru-Line (TX & ANT) N-Female, Sample port SMA-Female

Este valor de $2,500.00 é em dólar, me informe o endereço completo de entrega então podemos cotar o custo de frete para você.
cotado hoje dia 11-06-24 custo la fora mercadoria 2.500,00 dolar + custos de frete brasil + impostos + porcentagem de lucro + custos de frete nacional + custos de NF
frete de la pra ca hoje 14-06-24 O frete estimado fica em torno de $195.99 (dólar)