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Gerador Flex Pager Tescon TC-1101B
Gerador Flex Pager Tescon TC-1101B
Gerador Flex Pager Tescon TC-1101B
R$ 700,00
18× de R$ 50,86
sem jurosR$ 700,00R$ 700,00
R$ 365,79R$ 731,58
R$ 247,43R$ 742,29
R$ 188,28R$ 753,12
R$ 152,81R$ 764,05
R$ 129,17R$ 775,02
R$ 112,31R$ 786,17
R$ 99,68R$ 797,44
R$ 89,86R$ 808,74
10×R$ 82,02R$ 820,20
11×R$ 75,61R$ 831,71
12×R$ 70,28R$ 843,36
13×R$ 65,78R$ 855,14
14×R$ 61,93R$ 867,02
15×R$ 58,59R$ 878,85
16×R$ 55,69R$ 891,04
17×R$ 53,13R$ 903,21
18×R$ 50,86R$ 915,48
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* Isto é uma simulação, verifique o valor final das parcelas no intermediador de pagamentos.

Tescom TC-1101B - usado em perfeito estado.

Tescom TC-1101B datasheet & specifications

The Tescom TC-1101B pager tester is a solution to pager testing and
maintenance because it eliminates the clutter, cabling, and confusion associated
with using many separate pieces of testing equipment to accomplish the same
task. The unit incorporates an RF signal generator, FLEX/POCSAG Encoder, IF
Frequency Counter, AC Millivolt Meter, IF Signal Generator, and a 1.5 VDC power
supply. In the alignment mode, all necessary readings are simultaneously
displayed. These include IF frequency, IF amplitude, and signal generator RF
amplitude. The amplitude of the signal generator can be varied from this same
screen. Any make or model can be tested, aligned, and repaired with Tescom
The Tescom TC-1101B pager tester integrates all test functions required to test,
align, re-crystal and repair pagers. Features include a signal generator,
Flex/POCSAG encoder, IF generator, frequency counter and AC millivoltmeter. A
built-in RS-232 computer interface allows for automated testing and pager label
applications. The TC-1101B is the latest in a series of pager testers that were first
introduced in 1994. These units have been sold to over 200 pager manufacturers
and paging system operators worldwide.
All this can be accomplished quickly and easily with the TC-1101B. The unit
incorporates an RF Signal Generator, FLEX/POCSAG Encoder, IF Frequency
Counter, AC Millivolt Meter, IF Signal Generator and a 1.5 VDC power supply. In
the alignment mode, all necessary readings are simultaneously displayed. These
include IF freq., IF Amplitude (digital meter and analog graph bar), and Signal
Generator RFAmplitude. The amplitude of the sig. generator can be varied from
this same screen. Any make or model can be tested, aligned and repaired with
our equipment. This is an important fact since many units made by other
companies cannot test NON-Motorola FLEX alpha-numeric pagers such as the
NEC Companion.
This feature will save you countless time by allowing you to Store and Recall up
to 100 user definable instrument setting. Parameters such as Freq, Cap, Data
Speed, Format and RF Level can be stored and recalled. Memories can also be
quickly scrolled through before a selection is made. Other competing units either
don't have any memory at all or if they do, they will not store the RF level as well
as other parameters.
TC-1101B RF Signal Generator
 Frequency Range
- Band 1 (130MHz to 175MHz)
- Band 2 (260MHz to 485MHz)
- Band 3 (929MHz to 933MHz)
 POCSAG Encoder
 FLEX Encoder
 FLEX-TD Encoder

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