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Oscilloscope in the Palm of your hand.....
Oscilloscope in the Palm of your hand.....
Oscilloscope in the Palm of your hand.....
R$ 4.000,00
18× de R$ 290,60
sem jurosR$ 4.000,00R$ 4.000,00
R$ 2.090,20R$ 4.180,40
R$ 1.413,87R$ 4.241,61
R$ 1.075,90R$ 4.303,60
R$ 873,20R$ 4.366,00
R$ 738,13R$ 4.428,78
R$ 641,77R$ 4.492,39
R$ 569,60R$ 4.556,80
R$ 513,51R$ 4.621,59
10×R$ 468,68R$ 4.686,80
11×R$ 432,07R$ 4.752,77
12×R$ 401,60R$ 4.819,20
13×R$ 375,88R$ 4.886,44
14×R$ 353,86R$ 4.954,04
15×R$ 334,83R$ 5.022,45
16×R$ 318,20R$ 5.091,20
17×R$ 303,58R$ 5.160,86
18×R$ 290,60R$ 5.230,80
Você poderá escolher o número de parcelas ao concluir a compra.

* Isto é uma simulação, verifique o valor final das parcelas no intermediador de pagamentos.

Oscilloscope in the Palm of your hand.....

20MS/s handheld scope with PC link for ?0!

Once oscilloscopes were heavy and clumsy to handle, but over the years they have got smaller and smaller. The latest development in this field has just arrived: a digital storage oscilloscope in a slim housing scarcely longer than a pencil and about as thick as your thumb.

Despite its small size, its performance can match that of a service oscilloscope. With a sample rate of up to 20MS/s even signals im microprocessor circuits can be recorded. Using the voltmeter function, numeric AC and DC voltages can easily be measured.

The osziFOX has many uses. It can be used for making measurements in amplifiers, digital circuits, telephone installations, hobby electronics, production line tests, servicing and on the spot measuring.

With the supplied software for DOS and Windows (3.1x WIN95) recorded signals can be shown simultaneously on a PC screen using the supplied serial cable. For documentation purposes, the recorded signals can be saved to disk or printed. To download the OsziFox evaluation software (Windows and DOS) click here (~400k).

Technical Specifications

Sample Rates 50ns, 100ns, 0.5us, 1us, 5us, 10us, 50us, 0.1ms, 1ms

Input ranges 1V, 10V, 100V

No of channels 1, 1M ohm AC/DC coupled

Trigger Internal, external. Positive or negative slope

Trigger levels 6 selectable levels

Resolution 6 bit

Buffer size 128 bytes

Voltmeter AC/DC

Display 16 x 32 Backlit LCD

Supply voltage 9V to 13V @ 13mA (cable supplied)

PC connection D9 to serial port via supplied cable

Delivery includes : OsziFOX oscilloscope, software for DOS and Windows on 3.5 disk.

Trigger, ground, power and serial cables.

Documentation and Windows applications