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Meguro MAK-6571w Automático Medidor de distorção
Meguro MAK-6571w Automático Medidor de distorção
Meguro MAK-6571w Automático Medidor de distorção
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Meguro MAK-6571w Automático Medidor de distorção
2 Channel Automatic Distortion Meter
Meguro MAK-6571W 2 Channel Automatic Distortion Meter
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The MAK-6571W is designed to speed up measurement of distortion in radio sets, stereo amplifiers, tape
recorders, and other audio equipment. Measurements
of the total harmonic distortion, THD, can be made
simultaneously for two channels at 400Hz or 1000Hz.
In use, the input signal may be at either 400Hz or
1000Hz for each channel since automatic frequency
selection is applied during measurements.
The MAK-6571C is designed to speed up measurement of distortion in radio sets, stereo amplifiers, tape
recorders, and other audio equipment. Measurements
of the total harmonic distortion, THD, at 400 Hz and
1000 Hz (automatic changeover) can be easily made.
This instrument can be used as a level meter, when
required, for signal inputs, 10mV to 100 Vrms, in the
20Hz to 100kHz band.
MAK-6571W MAK-6571C
DISTORTION MEASUREMENT S (Tw o channesl , simultaneously )
Fundamenta l Frequencie s
(Automati c selection)
Measurin g Rang e
Accurac y
Fundamenta l Rejection
Characteristic s
Input Voltag e
Input Impedanc e
Automati c Input Control
400H z ±7 % lor THD .
1000Hz ±7 % lor THD .
Option : Choice o( one frequency,
namely, 2nd or 3rd harmonic o l
300 , 315 , 333H z or 1, 2, 3 kHz.
0.1 % to 30 % f.s. 6 ranges.
± 5 % of full scale of each range.
Less than —7 6 dB at 40 0 and
1000Hz ±5% .
Less than -7 0 dB at 40 0 and
1000Hz ±10% .
3mV to lOOVrms. f.s. 9 ranges.
Approx . lOOkft; unbalanced.
10 dB.
LEVEL MEASUREMENT S (Tw o channels , simultaneously )
Frequenc y Rang e
Inpu t Impedanc e
Measurin g Rang e
Accurac y
±0.5dB : 20H z to 50kHz (ref. 1 kHz).
± 1 dB: 20H z to 100kHz (ref. 1kHz).
Approx . lOOkft; unbalanced.
1 mV to lOOVrms. f.s 9 ranges.
± 3 % of full scale of each range,
(at 1000Hz)
Powe r Requirement s
Dimensions , overal l
Weigh t
Accessory , furnishe d
A C 100V, 1 15V, 215V, or 230V
±10% ; 50/60H z opprox . 8VA.
Approx . 270(W) X 165(H) X 290(D)
Approx . 7.3kg.
Output cable 2ea .
Fundamenta l Frequencies
(Automati c selection)
Measurin g Range
Accurac y
Fundamenta l Rejection
Characteristic s
Input Voltag e
Input Impedanc e
Automati c Input Contro l
4 0 0 Hz ±7 % THD .
1000Hz ±7 % lor THD .
Option : Choice of one frequency,
namely 2nd or 3rd harmonic of 300 ,
315 , 333Hz , or 1, 2, 3 kHz.
0.1 % to 30 % f.s. 6 ranges.
± 5 % of full scale of each range.
Less than — 76dB at 40 0 and
1000Hz ±5% .
Less than — 70dB at at 400 and
1000Hz ±10% .
3mV to lOOVrms f.s. 9 ranges.
Approx . lOOkft; unbalanced.
Frequenc y Range
Input Impedanc e
Measurin g Range
Accurac y
±0. 5 dB: 20H z to 50kHz (ref. 1kHz).
±ldB : 20H z to 100kHz(ref. 1kHz).
Approx . 1 OOkft; unbalanced.
1 mV to lOOVrms. f.s. 9 ranges.
± 3 % of full scale at each range,
(at 1000Hz)
Powe r Requirement s
Dimensions , overal l
A C 100V, 1 15V, 215V, or 230V
±10% ; opprox . 4VA.
Approx . 270(W) X 165(H) X 290(D)
Approx . 5.9 kg.
Output cable lea .

For model Automatic Distortion Meter MAK-6571, Meguro Electronics Corporation; Tokyo:
Este é um Medidor de Distorção

Country: Japan
Manufacturer / Brand: Meguro Electronics Corporation; Tokyo
Year: 1978 ?? Category: Service- or Lab Equipment
Semiconductors (the count is only for transistors) Semiconductors present.
Wave bands - without
Power type and voltage Alternating Current supply (AC) / 110 Volt
Loudspeaker - - No sound reproduction output.
Power out
Model: Automatic Distortion Meter MAK-6571 - Meguro Electronics Corporation
Material Metal case
Shape Tablemodel, low profile (big size).
Dimensions (WHD) 290 x 160 x 290 mm / 11.4 x 6.3 x 11.4 inch
Notes Two independent meter panels, graduated in Volts, Decibels and percent values.
Four Functions: Level; 400 Hz; 1000 Hz and External Signal.
Seven Distortion Ranges in Percent scale (%): Cal; 30; 10; 3; 1; 0.3; 0.1 %
Seven Distortion Ranges in Decibels (dB): 0; -10; -20; -30; -40: -40; -50; -60 dB
Seven Input Volts Ranges: 100; 30; 10; 3; 1; 0.3; 0.1 volts
Seven Input Ranges in Decibels (dB): +40; +30; +20; +10; 0; -10; -20 dB
Two banana jack inputs (+ and -)
Distortion measurement: fundamental wave: 400 and 1000 Hz; 3rd harmonic: 300, 315, 333 and 1, 2, 3 kHz
Fundamental rejection characteristics: < -76dB at 400 and 1000 Hz
Frequency Range: 20 Hz to 100 kHz
Measuring Range: 1 mV rms to 100 V rms
Accuracy: +/- 3%.

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